Table & Chairs

A Project of Table & Chairs in Seattle, WA

Racer Session #347 | Tristan Gianola | October 23, 2016

Hello Racerheads!

We're very excited to bring guitarist and bandleader Tristan Gianola and the band Bushcraft to the Racer Sessions this Sunday. Many of us in the community know Tristan not only as a guitarist, but also the booker at the Royal Room in South Seattle. Tristan is moving from Seattle soon, and we're very fortunate to have him bring in his band Bushcraft before heading out of town. Be sure to join us at Cafe Racer this Sunday, Oct. 23rd at 8pm!

Tristan Gianola and Bushcraft

If the musical approaches of Alban Berg and John Zorn met the guitar slaying attitude of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, you'd get Bushcraft. 
After years of toying around with experimental music, improvisation, jazz, contemporary classical music etc, composer/guitarist Tristan Gianola
takes his new musical toys and sprinkles them with sounds of his musical sweet tooths: power ballad solos, cracked up amps, knarly fuzzed-out psychedelia,
Grateful Dead-esc jamming, etc. 

Tristan Gianola - guitar/compositions
Matt Deason - bass
Adam Kozie - drums/guitar solo length manager

For the free improvisation to follow, we will be approaching the session with the same attitude: using what we have thus-far learned about improvisation
and experimentation, but willing to embrace any music gesture or idea that comes our way. Not a free improv session where you will be obligated to play
atonal lines, arrhythmic gestures, large register leaps, every extended technique that you've heard other free improv people play, etc. If I feel like sitting back
and gently strumming the first chord I learned on guitar, I'll do long as the music calls for it. I would rather simply have a fun experience improvising with
players I have never had the pleasure of playing with before and make any kind of music we want to in that moment, vs worshiping a free improvisation aesthetic
that limits the lengths of which the music can go.

Click HERE to listen!