Racer Session #490 | Casey Adams | September 29, 2019 — Table & Chairs

Table & Chairs

A Project of Table & Chairs in Seattle, WA

Racer Session #490 | Casey Adams | September 29, 2019

Casey Adams is a noise/sound artist who focuses his energies on percussion and electronics. In his sound creation he is concerned with space, movement, tension, intensity and catharsis. Casey seeks to explore the strange periphery of many diverse categories of audition, and attempts to fuse seemingly disparate sounds and styles through his noise production.

"I am excited to be filling in and presenting some ever-evolving ideas for percussion and electronics. In my personal performance I have been meditating on ideas of space and intention: how we approach the space in which we play, and what our intentions become once we've grappled with this space and those that occupy it. My hope is that somewhere between now and the end of my set Sunday, these ideas will formulate into something that will be a positive starting point for some thoughtful improvisation. I look forward to hearing your sounds."
