Table & Chairs

A Project of Table & Chairs in Seattle, WA

Filtering by Tag: Jun2024

Racer Session #582 | Jim Knodle | Sunday June 2, 2024

Our last Racer Session until SEPTEMBER (!!!) is this Sunday, June 2nd at 7pm and we’re featuring longtime Racer, Gallery 1412, and avant community pillar Jim Knodle!

As a trumpet player, Jim has a reputation for eclecticism and originality springing from a desire to play the trumpet in a definitely “un-trumpetish” fashion. This has not always been an advantage from a career standpoint, in his opinion - “I’m usually considered a little too out for the Ins and a little too in for the Outs” - but that’s just where he wants to be.

Come see Jim present a rare solo set and get your jam on afterwards. We’ll be taking the summer off to reset! Let’s get together while we can 🌞