Racer Session #513 | Open Improv Livestream | March 29, 2020
Greetings, Racers!
Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this week’s improvisations, surveys, and generally been incredibly supportive of this community - we’ve been incredibly humbled by the love that folks have for Racer Sessions and their willingness to keep the session going.
Today from 4pm-6pm PST, we will try our first livestream session via Zoom! This will be an open session, meaning that there will be no opening set and the duration of the session will be dedicated to free improvisations. Most of these improvisations, due to the nature of sheltering in place, will be solo improvs. However, there will be some duo exceptions in the instance of multiple improvisors living in the same household, as well as a few opportunities for folks to improvise together in the stream from multiple locations!
We have created a list of improvisors based on who responded to our surveys this week, made up of participants from all over the country. After this week, we’ll be doing improvisations by request, in more of a sign-up process than we’ve previously used.
To get more information on how to participate, click here!
And please note: this session will be taking place earlier than usual, from 4pm-6pm PST, to accommodate other time zones and neighborly noise restrictions.
A Racer Sessions committee meeting, testing the limits and tools of Zoom meetings for improvisation. (Clockwise from left: Brian Greggs, Haley Freedlund, Evan Woodle, Jeremy Gonzalez, Andrew Olmstead, Chris Icasiano)