Racer Session #514 | Scrambler | April 5, 2020
Greetings, isolated fans of the avant!
Today from 4pm-6pm PST, we will continue our livestream sessions via Zoom! After the success we had last week with open improvisations by solo, duo, and live collaboration in the meeting, we wanted to try something more in the typical Racer format this week.
We’ll be starting off the session with an opening set from Scrambler, Seattle’s resident soundpainting large ensemble conducted by trombonist Christian Pincock. Christian will be directing a collection of musicians live via the Zoom meeting using a palette, or pre-determined series of musical phrases and ideas, previously sent to his musicians.
Christian Pincock (featured frame) conducting musicians in Scrambler: Carol Levin, Steve Treseler, Jesse Canterbury
After Scrambler’s set, we’ll be working through a series of free improvising ensembles and soloists for the duration of the session!
To get more information on how to participate, click here!
And please note: this session will be taking place earlier than usual, from 4pm-6pm PST, to accommodate other time zones and neighborly noise restrictions.